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sermon catalog faq

How do I search by passage?
Passages are searchable by book and chapter (i.e. "Galatians" or "Galatians 8").
How do I search by date?
Dates are searchable by month and year, no spaces (i.e. "February2024).
What other search parameters exist?
Series: You have the option to "View All" or "View by Series" to the left of the search bar. "View All" is more effective for searching keywords.
Speaker: Type first, last, or first and last name of speaker (i.e. "Matt Ford", or "Guest" for guest speakers.
Testament: Type "New" or "Old"
Holiday: Type the name of the holiday (i.e. "Good Friday" or "Christmas" or "Advent")
Can I search by multiple parameters at once?
This function is not currently supported by our software. You are unable to search, for example, Matt Galatians, to find Matt's sermons on Galatians. You would be required to type in Galatians, and note which are by Matt. Again, any issues or questions please reach out to Julianna via email

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Based on Luke

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March 2025